Fees & Policies

DH10 Fees

$180/each: Two-day weekends
$95/each: Saturdays only
$125/entire series: Diamond Approach Online Course: The Spiritual Dimension of the Enneagram
$40/each: Monthly Small Group meetings
$90 – $140/each: Private sessions
$190/year: Annual Ridhwan Foundation membership dues (see description below)

As DH10 teachings are cumulative in nature, all accepted students will be required to listen to the recorded teachings from any Big Group meetings they may have missed.

$90: Recordings of missed Big Group Saturdays (Saturday Daylong)
$175: Recordings of missed Big Group full weekends

If a student is accepted into DH10 in 2020, they are required to “catch-up” by listening to past recordings for any meetings that were missed starting with January 2018. To minimize the cost of catching up, members receive the following discounts for missed programs from 2018 and 2019.

2018 “Catch-Up” Recordings – All 8 recordings from 2018 are now available at a flat rate of $100

2019 “Catch-Up” Recordings – All 8 recordings from 2019 are now available at a flat rate of $100

Any recordings missed after your official membership date are full price.

Payments: Full payments are due before participating in the Big Groups, Small Groups, On-line courses, or private sessions.

Annual Ridhwan Foundation Membership Dues: Annual Ridhwan Foundation membership dues are assessed (a baseline rate, a sliding scale is available). Membership dues are required for Ridhwan’s legal protection and also cover much of the administration costs required for teachers to conduct their groups and sessions. 

DH10 Policies

All student work done during the four formats listed above are considered confidential and are not to be shared with others outside these meeting.
Each of the four formats above are integral elements of the DH10 program and therefore attendance is required. Missed Big Group meetings require full payment and listening to the recordings from those meetings.
Students can of course withdraw or start a “leave of absence” from DH10 at any time. Should this arise, we request that the departing student discuss their reasons and situation with their private teacher to assure good closure and clear understandings of options for the future should they wish to return.
Recordings are available for all Big Group meetings only. They are for the purposes of making up missed sessions or for the review of a session. They are confidential and not to be shared with others. The cost of recordings is the same as the cost of the Big Group meetings.
If a student joins DH10 in 2020, they are required to “catch-up” by listening to past recordings for any meetings that were missed starting with January 2018. The cost for “catch-up” recordings are discounted as detailed below.

2018 Recordings: All 8 recordings from 2018 are now available at a flat rate of $100

2019 Recordings: All 8 recordings from 2019 are now available at a flat rate of $100